Dramatically reduce the costs and time it takes to create high-quality training data for your ML projects. Labelbox is the leading training data platform for AI applications. We help teams annotate, manage and iterate on labeled data at scale so that they can focus on building what their customers want. Try it for free at labelbox.com
Companies with their distinctive and innovative use cases should own their workflows and data for developing AI software; it’s the IP and unique advantage of any AI-enabled business. If AI software is to see widespread adoption, we need the robust infrastructure to enable companies to oversee these processes, just like we have for the logically-oriented software development lifecycle. And labeling data is just one step on the path to production AI software. Iterating on training data is a critical and often overlooked aspect of improving model accuracy. Through editing existing labels, augmenting datasets with new examples, modifying instructions, and collaborating tightly with your labelers, organizations can achieve higher levels of model performance.