Ms. Renata Spinks currently serves as the nation’s first Cyber Technology Officer (CTO) and is currently Actiong CIO. She is currently assigned to the United States Marine Forces Cyberspace Command and leads an extensive portfolio inclusive of network defense cyber operations (DCO), technology for business (TBM), data and risk management, finance as well as talent management for workforce development.
Ms. Spinks is the go-to person for institutionalizing cloud, operationalizing security and defense in depth, migrations and network transformation for the USMC. Her execution models have impacted the DOD in its support for distributing the workforce amid the global pandemic.
She is the USMC executive sponsor for O365 Migration, regional security, internet upgrades, infrastructure transformation, enabling tactical capabilities to support the needs for warfighting and critical infrastructure protections based on congressional and DOD CIO mandates, budgeting and threat landscape analysis.
Ms. Spinks’ leadership style is based on empowerment, proficiency and expertise as well as workforce development. She demonstrates her passion for talent management by creating partnerships with colleges, institutions, federal agencies and the Intelligence Community; assuring functional and practical knowledge is resident to the USMC and DOD.
Ms. Spinks began her federal service career in 2008 with the DHS-Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency providing acquisition support and developed a love for cyber security after serving a supporting role to Intel and Law Enforcement specializing in human behavior analysis for Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation investigations. She later achieved leadership roles at the Department of Treasury and Millennium Challenge Corporation from 2012-2018, respectively. She is a decorated 44th MEDCOM 28th Combat Support Hospital Combat Veteran (OIF 2003 –Healthcare Administration/Medical Evacuation).
Ms. Spinks attended Saint Augustine’s College (2004-2007) achieving Presidential Scholar honors with a BS in Computer Information Systems and is one of its 2018 Top 45 Under 45 Honorees. She holds a MS in Technology Management and is currently pursuing her PhD in Cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University.
She is the 2020 BEYA Stars and Stripes Department of Defense SES of the Year and serves as Director of her not-for profit organization Rising Footsteps. She is a trailblazing STEMINIST from Louisiana who loves New Orleans Saints Football, cooking and as a recognized Academic and Athletics CIAA Elite Awardee, still loves to play basketball.