Featured Guest Speaker: Kristin Saling, Chief Analytics Officer & Acting Director of Army People Analytics at the Army Talent Management Task Force
The warfighter of today is much different than in the past. They need to rely on various technologies and increasingly advanced systems to maintain advantages over increasingly capable adversaries and competitors. The US Department of Defense (DoD) must integrate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning more effectively across their operations to maintain advantages.
To remain competitive, the US Army has created the Army Talent Management Task Force to address the current and future needs of the war fighter. In particular, the Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Team shapes the creation and implementation of a holistic Officer/NCO/Civilian Talent Management System. This system has transformed the Army’s efforts to acquire, develop, employ, and retain human capital through a hyper-enabled data-rich environment and enables the Army to dominate across the spectrum of conflict as a part of the Joint Force. In this presentation LTC Saling will discuss where the US Army currently stands on its data collection and AI efforts, some of the challenges they face, and a roadmap for where the DoD and Army is headed.
- 11:30-12:30pm: Featured Presentation
- 12:30-1:00pm: Your Q&A and interaction.
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